
Vision Without Pause!

Wake up with the Lord by your side. Don’t leave him behind. You went to bed studying yourself, studying the path the Lord has you [...]

Tate Myre Video: Thank You, Tate. Moments of Truth.

Tate Myre gave his life to save the lives of his friends during a school shooting on November, 30 2021 at Oxford High School in [...]

Billy Lee Motivation – Do It for Something Bigger Than Yourself and How We Are All Interconnected

Billy Lee develops concepts of his Peak Performance Principle philosophy. The Buddhist/Christian concept of NO SELF and how we are all interconnected – DARE TO LISTEN! YOU [...]

The Spirit is the Cradle: Right Action Flows From It!

We orient ourselves spiritually. Our whole being follows spirit. I am not talking about spirit in any strict religious sense. Why do we have pep [...]

Anti-Bullying – Through a Perspective on Slavery and the Holocaust

Chicago businessman and founder of Kairos Athletics, Billy Lee, discusses what the ultimate mentality is pointed towards -the mentality that will never let one down. [...]

Quote: On Love

Celebrating the aesthetic is a celebration of what is fleeting – the celebration of an illusion. Instead, praise God!     [...]

Three Kinds of Love

The venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen offers a wonderful meditation on love. [...]

Quote: On Suffering

The only way another man surpasses another is by becoming more reconciled to dealing with suffering than the other. William Lee [...]

Bishop Sheen: Wasting Your Life (Listen Athletes)

An athlete must be a good person to achieve. He or she must be what Kairos Athletics and good trainers refer to as a 24 [...]