
Cornerstone Success Academy

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The young adult can readily and easily recognize when he or she is in a position marked with great hardship. Rarely do they come to realize that this hardship is what makes them strong; it is their greatest strength.

shutterstock_78195703Kairos Athletics is excited to introduce the Cornerstone Success Academy to a south side Chicago community. Kairos Athletics is offering the highest level of sports education and more to those among the community who most need it.

The Cornerstone Success Academy provides benefits and opportunities that are life enriching!

  • World Class Athletic Conditioning – Participants will receive a sports education based on the Peak Performance Principle and the Kairos Athletics methodology. These tenets have been developed by Billy Lee over nearly two decades of working with athletes from all levels and backgrounds.
  • Free personalized instruction from professional athletic trainers that can charge as much as $200 per session for their instruction.
The exceptional Cornerstone Success Academy program offers more than just sports education!
  • csa what upThe program is wholistic. Participants will learn goal setting, and how to successfully visualize and self-motivate.
  • Select participants will be guided towards improving their chance for success as collegiate student athletes.
  • Last, but not least, participants will have the opportunity to gain exposure to successful Chicago businesses and businessmen through internships and field trips. The Cornerstone Success Academy is brought to the community by Providence Trading Group and, therefore, is uniquely positioned to bring academy participants into the tremendous world of finance that thrives in Chicago.
  • Best performing participants and most well-behaved can be awarded internships in successful Chicago businesses.
Qualifications and Requirements:

The program selects participants from the specific community that is being targeting. The admission is rolling. All participants will be accepted subject to being interviewed by an academy administrator.

Participants will need appropriate sports  equipment. The needs of the participant will be assessed during the interview process to determine if some assistance can be provided in helping the athlete to procure this equipment.

The athlete should wear athletic apparel that is appropriate like sweatpants, shorts, t-shirts, and sweatshirts; they must fit – no over-sized apparel.




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