

Te obtinuit ut adepto satis somno. Aliisque institoribus iter deliciae vivet vita. Nam exempli gratia, quotiens ego vadam ad diversorum peregrinorum in mane

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Inspiration for Athletes: Examination of Dorian Yates’ Championship Mentality
Dorian Yates is a world famous bodybuilder who won the highest honor in bodybuilding, Mr. Olympia, six consecutive times. Dorian Yates is a Master at Using His Mind to Achieve
Mindfulness Revealed! Billy Lee Discusses How We Learn Mindfulness Through Sport
Mindfulness is a misunderstood concept. This excerpt of a larger lesson that Billy Lee delivered to student athletes in Chicago Public Schools explains how athletes should develop their skills through
The Art of War – How Students Can Avoid Conflict
The most intelligent strategy used in conflict is unknown to most people. Billy discusses how student athletes should handle the threat of violence in school and on the street. This
Sports Specific Training: Soccer Conditioning
Conditioning that can be readily applied to a game situation should be executed. The Lazarevich Method demands that the soccer athlete practice in the most intelligent manner.
Original Weight Training: 1,000 Year Old Log Lifting Record Broken
Watch Hafthór Björnsson break a 1,000-year old record as he lifts a tree that weighs 1,433 lbs. (See some of Kairos Athletics’ log training videos) The Telegraph writes: Icelandic strongman competitor
Mindfulness Revealed! Billy Lee Discusses How We Learn Mindfulness Through Sport
Mindfulness is a misunderstood concept. This excerpt of a larger lesson that Billy Lee delivered to student athletes in Chicago Public Schools explains how athletes should develop their skills through
Beach/Log Training Mix
Billy Lee / 27 Oct 2014 / 0 / 1634
This video commenced the video documentation of the Kairos Athletics message. Founder, Billy Lee, puts himself through some advanced conditioning techniques.
Mindfulness Revealed! Billy Lee Discusses How We Learn Mindfulness Through Sport
Billy Lee / 02 Dec 2021 / 1 / 7713
Mindfulness is a misunderstood concept. This excerpt of a larger lesson that Billy Lee delivered to student athletes in Chicago Public
Dare to Tell Yourself You’re Great: Affirmations – Peak Performance Self-Talk
Billy Lee / 08 Dec 2021 / 0 / 1818
Think about how it feels when someone tells you, “You cannot do it. You will not make it.” Now, imagine if
Tate Myre Video: Thank You, Tate. Moments of Truth.
Billy Lee / 04 Jan 2022 / 1 / 1532
Tate Myre gave his life to save the lives of his friends during a school shooting on November, 30 2021 at
Introduction to Ball Control
Billy Lee / 28 Apr 2015 / 0 / 1414
Ball control drills like juggling should be practiced in a manner that will transfer readily to actual game play. Travelling forward
Sports Specific Training: Soccer Conditioning
Billy Lee / 29 Apr 2015 / 0 / 1583
Conditioning that can be readily applied to a game situation should be executed. The Lazarevich Method demands that the soccer athlete
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Mind, Body, Soul