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Training Approach

After almost thirty years of training the human body for performance in sport, Billy Lee has established a comprehensive and in-depth approach that adapts to each athlete. Main focuses of the Kairos Athletics training methodology are speed, power, strength enhancement, coordination improvement, and the development of an athlete’s composure.

Form, Function, and Periodization

Form and function are the first and most basic considerations of the Kairos Athletics training methodology. Form and function are married, and nearly 30 years of observing form and its output guide training.


Form within the Kairos Athletics training methodology regards the structure of the body and the structure of the environment of the contest or physical feat. Kairos Athletics trains athletes of every sort and is able to do so by beginning the assessment of the needs of the athlete from such an abstract and basic level. Countless observations are made concerning form. The following offers just a glimpse of the assessment process that never ends.

For example:
Consider an American football player. His bodily form should be of enough mass to make it possible for him to make up for a lack of such with an inordinate amount of speed or agility or football intelligence, etc.

Everything truly is relative when you are training an athlete because the athlete’s characteristics can vary as much as the terrain. Kairos Athletics’ administration of drills and challenges to the athlete is never static and adjusts to the complexities inherent in attempting to optimally train an athlete.

Let’s review another example of how consideration of form guides the process.
In this example consider some of the demands of wrestling. The wrestler must wrestle in certain weight classes. So, since we know that there is a relationship between muscle mass and strength, then the form of the wrestler will usually be very lean.

Once again, this is all relative. If for some reason an individual wrestler was more competitive with a higher body fat composition and probably a lower power to weight ratio, then this anomaly must be recognized.

The length of the wrestler’s torso to his legs is another consideration concerning form. Since the body is a system of levers and the hips where the torso and lower body meet comprise the body’s biggest lever, this consideration will affect nearly every aspect of training the wrestler.

From what strategy the wrestler will widely take in using his body as an instrument to handle his opponent to what parts of the body might be made a focus in the creation of a weightlifting schedule, the consideration of bodily form is paramount.


Simultaneously, the Kairos Athletics methodology considers the optimal function of the athlete. Each athlete with his or her unique form must be guided to achieve the fullest function their form will allow. Sports Demand Analysis dictates how the form of the athlete will be implemented in a contest.

Function and Sports Demand analysis, as a consideration within the Kairos Athletics training process, can be discussed in an example.

A collegiate basketball player trains for a forty minute contest consisting of two twenty minute halves. Sport demand analysis varies from position to position. So, let’s consider a shooting guard. In this instance, the player’s statistics show that he or she jogs or walks for twenty percent of the contest, runs or sprints for another twenty percent, moves laterally or shuffles from low to medium intensity for roughly another twenty percent of the time, and for about five percent of the time the player shuffles with high intensity. Let’s also consider that our player in this example jumped for roughly one minute of the contest, or less than three percent of the time.
The athlete’s training must prepare him or her for the exertion that our analysis reveals. So, as you can see, lateral movement and shuffling are to be a focus of training the shooting guard, as well as sprinting and running. Jumping will also be a focus. However, as the data from our example might reveal, the focus on jumping is probably going to be less than what many methodologies usually require. Any methodology that does not let sport demand analysis lead the way in training for peak performance is negligent!


Kairos Athletics considers periodization to be one of the most important aspects of training. Periodization considers how to cycle and fluctuate the focus of training at any particular moment in time within a training regimen. A vast and wide array of variables are continually measured to ensure that the athlete’s body will deliver peak performance at the appropriate time.

Season’s are long, and the demands on the body in many sports are extremely diverse. Periodization will have the sprinter running his best times during the most crucial periods of the season and against his or her most difficult opposition. Oppositely, he or she will not waste a personal best against an opponent who does not require it.

Kairos Athletics Concepts

Perspective – If one accepts that being physically and mentally fit is the same as being healthy, and you understand that being healthy is being happy, then you are committed to the journey.

Process – Sport and movement sharpen the mind and body.

Positivity – A positive mind influences a positive body. A positive body influences a positive mind.

Perseverance – If it doesn’t work, fix it. Do not abandon it.

Practice – Everything one does is practice.

Power – A willingness (eagerness) to learn.

Present – Bring your mind to the game. Bring your mind to the gym. Bring your mind to life.

Poise – Confidence and glory are delivered through the process.